Designed based on computer processor, Auto cold junction compensation, Auto zero calibration and nonlinear signal linearization, ensure measure Accuracy. 采用单片机技术,结合自动冷端补偿,自动稳零及非线性处理技术,确保其在全量程测量精确性。
Research of cold cathode made-up of reverse breakdown silicon PN junction 硅PN结反向击穿冷阴极研究
Comparison of Thermocouple Cold-junction Compensation Methods 热电偶冷端补偿方法的比较
The optimum design of thermocouple cold junction compensation circuit 热电偶冷端温度补偿电路的优化设计
By applying T factor method of hot/ cold noise, at operating temperature 4.2 K, we have obtained the best measured results with Nb-Nb point contact junction: the single side band noise temperature TM-100 K and the Conversion efficiency. 采用冷、热噪声Y因子法,在4.2K的铌结上测得的单边带混频器噪声温度,变频效率。
The Cold-Junction Compensation for Thermocouple 热电偶的冷端补偿
Method of the Cold junction Compensation of Thermocouple in Growing Quartz 水晶生长过程中热电偶冷端补偿的常用方法
Running Optimization and Fault Diagnosis System for Turbine Cold Junction System 汽轮机冷端系统运行优化及故障诊断系统
With the cold junctions at ambient temperature, there are several kinds of circuit used for cold junction compensation in industrial applications. 在工业应用中,热电偶冷端处于环境温度中,常采用几种补偿电路对冷端温度进行补偿。
The Thomson effect has influence on output power, but there are no influence on matching condition when obtain the maximize output power. The low temperature of cold junction is advantageous to reduce the influence of Thomson effect. 汤姆逊效应对输出功率有所影响,但并不影响取得最大输出功率时,负载电阻的匹配条件,降低冷端温度有利于减小汤姆逊效应对最大输出功率的影响。
A method of thermocouple cold junction temperature real time compensation was introduced, which utilizes digital sensor to measure temperature, and micro-controller to process the temperature data. 介绍采用数字温度传感器进行冷端测温,微控制器进行计算处理,对热电偶温度实时修正的方法。
The results of experiments show that cold junction compensation can be achieved with relatively high accuracy. 实验结果表明,该桥路可以较高的准确度实现冷端温补。
Correction for nonlinearity of thermocouple and compensation for cold junction are implemented simultaneously. Application shows that the algorithm is suitable for high speed processing with accuracy. 该方法同时实现了热电偶的冷端补偿和非线性校正.通过现场实际应用,证明该算法简单、速度快、精确度高,尤其适用于高速、高精度测控系统的数据处理。
In this paper, a new bridge circuit for cold junction compensation, in which extension wire is not needed, is proposed. 本文提出了一种新型的冷端温补桥路,使用该桥路时无需使用补偿导线。
An executing method for the system design, including temperature measurement, temperature automatic compensate of the cold junction of the thermocouple, algorithm for gearshift integral PID control and parameter self-setting are proposed. 给出了系统设计实现方法,包括温度的测量、热电偶的冷端温度补偿、变速积分PID控制算法及参数自整定的实现方法。
In this paper the improving method for the native thermocouple gauge tubes is given to reduce the thermal inertia of the cold junction to the same degree as the hot junction. 本文提出的改进方法能将国产规管冷端的热惯性降低到与热端接点相当的程度。
Cold End Compensating to General Thermocouples Based on Temperature Characteristic of the Semiconductor PN Junction 基于晶体管PN结温度特性的热电偶冷端补偿
The unique method of cold junction compensation reduces the error resulted by traditional compensation. 独特的冷端补偿方法有效地减少了冷端补偿引入的误差。
The Cold Junction Compensation and Linearization of Thermocouple Temperature Signal 热电偶温度信号的冷端补偿和线性化
In hardware design, both the quenchant's cooling characteristic and the ambient temperature are acquired to actualize thermocouple cold junction compensation ( CJC). 硬件设计上,用两通道数据采集分别采集淬火介质温度和环境温度,实现对K型热电偶动态冷端补偿;
Computer RT Correction for Thermocouple Cold Junction Temperature 热电偶冷端温度的数字化实时处理
The cold-junction full compensation by Microcomputer 利用8098单片机的热电偶参比端温度的全补偿方法
The Compensation of Cold Ends of Thermocouples by Temperature Characteristics of PN Junction 用PN结的温度特性补偿热电偶的参考端温度误差
Design of K-Thermocouple cold-junction compensation K型热电偶冷端补偿方案
According to the test workflow feature and analyzing the test complexity of each link based on the test operation workload, the system is divided into four stations, which are respectively responsible for AI calibration, AO calibration, cold junction calibration and other items test. 按照检测作业流程式特点,并依据检测操作工作量分析各环节的测试复杂程度,将系统划分为四个工位,分别负责AI校准、AO校准、冷端校准、其他项目测试。
Velocity and temperature fluctuations of the mixing of hot and cold fluids are the essence to induce thermal fatigue of the tee junction. 冷热流体混合过程产生的速度和温度波动是诱发T型管道热疲劳的本质原因。